Marjorie Brown Proof

Marjorie T. Brown

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Classic Cocktails to Enjoy The Rest of The Winter

As Winter chugs along we would love to share some of our favorite cocktails to enjoy during these colder Months. 

Spiked Hot Chocolate

Spiked Hot Chocolate

(Image & Recipe Courtesy of:

Theres nothing more seasonal and warming than a mug of spiked hot chocolate during these cold winter nights. Ingredients include: Cocoa powder, milk, sugar, vanilla, chocolate chips, bourbon or rum.

Apple Cider Margarita

Apple Cider Marg

(Image & Recipe Courtesy of:

This tangy and balanced winter spin on the margarita is absolutely one of the coziest drinks. Ingredients include: Tequila, Lime Juice, Cointreau (Triple Sec), Apple Cider, and Cinnamon and Sugar for the rim. 

8 Servings

  • 1 ½ cups tequila
  • 2 cups apple cider
  • ¾ cup Triple Sec or Cointreau
  • ¾ cup lime juice
  • 3 handfuls ice

Cranberry Moscow Mule

Cranberry Moscow Mule

(Image & Recipe Courtesy of:

The Traditional Moscow Mule is perfect for entertaining in its own right but this fruity winter spin on a timeless classic will be sure to be a favorite among friends and guests. Ingredients: Vodka, lime juice, ginger beer, cranberry juice. 

  • Mix up 8 servings without ginger beer. That would be 2 cups vodka, 2 cups cranberry juice, and ½ cup lime juice.
  • In each copper mug, pour about ½ cup mixer and ⅓ cup ginger beer.

Hot Toddy

Hot Toddy

(Image & Recipe Courtesy of:

This drink is perfect for warming up on a super cold day. This is a boozy cup of tea to warm your spirits. Pour boiling water over a shot of bourbon, then top off with lemon and spices. Ingredients: Bourbon, rum or brandy, honey, hot water, lemon.

  • Mix: In the serving glass, stir together 3 tablespoons whiskey, rum, or brandy with 1 tablespoon honey.
  • Add hot water: Pour in ½ cup hot water.
  • Add lemon: Squeeze in a lemon wedge.
  • Garnish: Add whole spices like cloves, and or a cinnamon stick. 

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