Marjorie Brown Proof

Marjorie T. Brown

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How to Prepare for a Long-Distance Move

Moving to a new home is never really easy, but it can be particularly challenging when you’re doing a long-distance move.

Over 8 million people moved out of state in 2022 alone, according to the U.S. Census Bureau — and that means you can do it, too.

Are you considering moving to a new state (or even region) this year? Here are some ways to make the process easier.

Declutter and donate unused belongings

There’s no point in moving items you no longer use or need, so take this time to pare down your belongings and donate or sell what you can. As an added bonus, this could also reduce your moving costs.

Inventory your home

Take stock of the items you’ll be moving, including clothes, furniture, dishes and more. You’ll need this information to purchase the appropriate packing supplies and get accurate moving quotes.

Make a detailed timeline

Work backward from moving day, and create a calendar of milestones that will ensure you’re ready by then. You can set deadlines for securing movers, packing up each room and more.

Prioritize new home items

While packing up your items in your current home is a big part of the process, you also need to ensure your new home is ready when you get there. That means you’ll need to get utilities and internet set up, enroll your kids in school and have a clear idea of what items will need to be placed in each room by your movers.

Planning a move in the near future? Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help buying or selling a home.

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