Marjorie Brown Proof

Marjorie T. Brown

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Don’t Skip These Seasonal Maintenance Tasks

Your home is a huge investment — an investment you’ll want to protect for the long haul.

That means proper maintenance is key. Completing a few seasonal chores can help you extend the life span of your home while also cutting down on repair and renovation costs.

Want to make sure you’re keeping your home in tiptop condition? Then don’t skip these must-do seasonal maintenance tasks:

Check for (and seal) air leaks around windows and doors

Leaks in these areas can make it hard to control your home’s climate and, that could mean sky-high cooling bills. It could also make your home pretty uncomfortable year-round.

Clean out the gutters

When gutters get clogged with leaves and debris from the previous winter and spring, water can’t drain properly. This might lead to standing water on your roof or eaves, which can cause significant and costly damage over time.

Inspect your roof

At the very least, your roof needs an annual inspection. Even small leaks or missing shingles can cause big problems like water damage, mold, mildew and more.

Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

These vital safety devices should always be in good working condition. Put them in test mode and make sure they’re all functioning properly.

It won’t take long to check these tasks off your list, and the payoff is well worth the effort.


Considering buying a new home? Have questions about your home’s value? Get in touch today.

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